My Life This Week – Week 3

January 21, 2012

So, I have to ask.  Did you make any New Year’s resolutions?  If you did, how are you coming along with those resolutions?

I know people who make them every year and people who resolutely refuse to make them.  I understand both sides of that argument.  I have one resolution that I make every single year (drink more water) and sometimes that is the only one.  This year I have several.  I’ve long been saying I want to tackle croissants and puff pastry and this! is! the! year!  On the non-food related front, there are several other things I want to work toward in 2012.  We recently had dinner with my amazing friend Jen and her amazing husband and she asked us for our word for 2012.  This is a very Jen request.  She sets a word for herself each year and while my brain doesn’t necessarily work that way, I found it an interesting exercise.  Without thinking and just allowing the word to come forth, my word was “push”.  This is the year to push myself in many different ways.  It’s not exactly like I’m a slacker, my life is very full and busy and I do a lot, but there are areas where I need to push myself forward.

One of these things is taking more photos and not necessarily of food.  We are not the parents that take a million photos of our kids.  But now I’m starting to think we don’t take enough of them.  So, more photos of them, more photos of my life.  I know many people who do weekly posts with photos (Tracy is one of my favorites) and I resolve to start this new feature every Friday, 3 weeks late.  I’ve got a Flickr account and will just get in the habit of having my camera around more and also, finally, upgrading to a new iPhone (mine is 3½ years old) and maybe – just maybe – will start using Instagram.  We shall see.  You might find these Friday posts unbearably boring and self-serving in which case, I apologize.  Don’t come ’round here on Fridays.

Snow!  If you have been on Twitter or Facebook, you are no doubt really tired of hearing us talk about Snowmageddon or Snowpocalypse 2012 so I will just keep it at Snow!

We finally took this guy down on Sunday along with the lit-up reindeer and the lit-up snowflakes lining our walk way.

My kids’ dentist office is genius.  Twice a year they do costume day and my kids want to go the dentist.  Like can’t wait.  The look on people’s faces while we walked around afterward was priceless.  Lots of “Look who has come to save the day” comments too.

I would have been lost without this baby this week.

Spencer has gone from scribbles to actual drawings like this lovely rainbow.  And he has just started writing his name.  And he is obsessed with tape so we have artwork taped up all over our house.

A recipe for this Apple Cheddar Bread (recipe coming soon!) led me to a most delicious Celery Root Soup.



  1. i heard about seattle getting snow and i was confused because it was only a few inches. i take it that area is not used to snow? is that why there was so much hoopla?
    last year at this time we had over 50 inches of snow. it was awful and the worst cabin fever i ever had.
    this year; today is our first snowstorm with 7 inches. booooo

    Comment by vanillasugarblog — January 21, 2012 @ 5:38 pm

  2. I love the sneak peek into the rest of your life. I think Spencer’s rainbow is amazing! And aren’t kid obsessions so funny – tape – yup we had that one. Our boy’s current obsession besides his birthday and lego is the Titanic. The other day he was crying because he missed the Titanic – “it sunk Mummy so now I can never see it”.

    Comment by Charlotte — January 21, 2012 @ 6:08 pm

  3. Yes to My Life this Week posts!
    And yes to instagram! It’s so much fun!

    I don’t do resolutions. And I am not even sure why not. Maybe because I don’t like lists that are too unspecific? And specific lists rarely cover the whole year.

    Comment by Annika — January 21, 2012 @ 6:38 pm

  4. I really hope you stick with this resolution because then I get to cyber-stalk you and the kiddos in a completely non-creepy way! Well…maybe only sort of non creepy. :P

    Your dentist really is a genius. I’d be so much more inclined to go to the dentist if I had to dress up.

    Comment by Joanne — January 21, 2012 @ 7:11 pm

  5. Yes! I’m so looking forward to these posts! I love your fireplace, the tile is so so pretty.

    Comment by Clara — January 22, 2012 @ 3:36 am

  6. I enjoyed the entry and the photos, Dana. I think your Friday idea is good.

    Comment by Elli — January 22, 2012 @ 5:13 am

  7. My 5-year old nephew asked Santa for tape this last Christmas, so he doesn’t have to use his grandma’s all the time! Oh, to be able to appreciate the simple pleasure and novelty of tape again, and to see the world from the eyes of a 5-year old. Btw, I live in seattle as well. It’s been quite liberating to get out and about now that the snow has melted with the rain. Oh, Seattle…

    I just started following your website. The lay-out is clean and a pleasure to use, navigate, and get tantalized. There are many blogs that are a bit too cluttered for my liking (so many extra things that get in the way of me simply finding recipes and mouthwatering photos). Just wondering if there is a way to forward recipes by email? I’ve been copy and pasting the URL and emailing that to myself (I keep a folder in my inbox for recipes I find online), but just wondering if I’m missing something that makes these extra steps unnecessary?

    Comment by kaley — January 22, 2012 @ 7:16 am

  8. That bread looks delicious Dana – cant wait for the recipe. And taking more photos is an excellent resolution – I always feel kind of dumb taking them but then I LOVE having them so much! Youve inspired me to get more on it! xox

    Comment by Em (Wine and Butter) — January 23, 2012 @ 9:22 am

  9. Celery Root soup! It’s been raining here in LA (which is a surprise!) and I’ve got into total soup mode! I have my emersion blender on the counter trying to find a great soup recipe! I might just have to give yours a try. :) Thanks!

    Comment by Kimber — January 23, 2012 @ 5:34 pm

  10. Love all of your photos. And you should join Instagram-I post a lot of baby photos on there:)

    Comment by Maria — January 25, 2012 @ 10:55 pm

  11. Would love to be on your waiting list for the seasonal feast class! Or, if others are being created, keep me posted! xo

    Comment by Kathy Fishman — February 3, 2012 @ 5:26 am

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